Blog Tour: Hardwired by Meredith Wild

Title: Hardwired (The Hacker Series)
Author: Meredith Wild
Genre: Erotic Romance 18+
Published: September 3, 2013

Determined to overcome a difficult past, Erica Hathaway learns early on to make it on her own. Days after her college graduation, she finds herself face to face with a panel of investors who will make or break her fledgling startup. The only thing she didn’t prepare for was going weak in the knees over an arrogant and gorgeous investor who seems determined to derail her presentation.

Billionaire and rumored hacker Blake Landon has already made his fortune in software, and he’s used to getting what he wants. Captivated by Erica’s drive and unassuming beauty, he’s wanted nothing more than to possess her since she stepped into his boardroom. Determined to win her over, he breaks down her defenses and fights for her trust, even if it means sacrificing a level of control he’s grown accustomed to.

But when Blake uncovers a dark secret from Erica’s past, he threatens not just her trust, but the life she’s fought so hard to create.

Hardwired was a beginning of the story of Blake and Erica. Newly graduated Erica, gains her courage and tries to get fund for her project ClothezPin. When she goes to the meeting, she sees Blake, the arrogant handsome man. Blake is the man from last night and she realizes he is partner of that big company.

Blake doesn't invest her project but Max, the other partner wants to meet her again. But Blake is determined to get Erica. Erica tries to avoid him, but in the end she couldn't do it and falls for him. Erica had hard days in the past, because of this Blake tries to protect her. He might be a little overprotective but this is all because he loves her too. Erica gets angry with him a lot but everytime she runs back to him. Erica's best friend and Blake's brother get involve, but they have hard days in front of them too. And Erica discovers who her father is. The drama in the book was a lot too.

I liked the story though it has cliffhanger in the end. In the second book we will finally learn who Blake's enemies are and what they want from him. There are unanswered qouestions a lot too, shortly I'll be waiting the second book. 

Hardwired Blake ve Erica'nın hikayesinin başlangıcıydı. Yeni mezun olan Erica cesaretini toplar ve internet projesi ClothezPin için ödenek almaya çalışır. Toplantıya gittiğinde ise kibirli ve de yakışıklı Blake ile tanışır. Gerçi Blake'i bir önceki gece restaurantta fark etmiştir ve şimdi görür ki şirketin ortaklarından biridir.

Blake onun projesine katılmaz ama diğer ortak Max onunla tekrar görüşmek ister. Ama Blake onu elde etmeye kararlıdır. Erica ondan kaçmaya çalışsa da sonunda bunu başaramaz ve ona aşık olmaya başlar. Erica'nın geçmişinde zor günleri olmuştur, bu yüzden de Blake onu korumaya çalışır. Biraz fazla aşırı korumacı olabilir ama bunların hepsi Erica'ya aşık olması yüzünden. Erica zaman zaman ona sinirlenip kaçsa da kendini yine ona doğru koşarken bulur.  Erica'nın en yakın arkadaşı ve Blake'in erkek kardeşi de beraber olmaya başlarlar ama onlar için daha da zorlu günler vardır önlerinde. Ve Erica nihayet babasının kim olduğunu öğrenir. Kitap bir hayli drama da doluydu.

Sonu havada kalsa da hikayeyi sevdim. İkinci kitapta Blake'in düşmanlarının kim olduğunu ve ondan ne istediklerini öğreneceğiz gibi. Ve daha cevaplanmayan birçok soru da vardı, o yüzden kısacası ikinci kitabı bekliyor olacağım. 

About the Author 

Meredith Wild picked up her first romance novel at the tender age of twelve, and shortly after put pen to word processor and made her first attempt at writing a love story inspired by those she so enjoyed reading well past her bedtime.

Her dream of writing took a back seat to college, parenthood and eventually entrepreneurship, which led her into the fast-paced and male-dominated high tech industry. With enough life experience for a few lifetimes, she now devotes her hours to writing contemporary adult romance, with a hint of kink.

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